Designbrand was approached by Ideal Grounds to design a non-disposible take-away coffee cup. Ideal Grounds have a history of genuine green thinking – practicing sustainability long before the mainstream latched on. The brief was to design a sustainable alternative to cardboard coffee cups that eco concience consumers could adopt as their own.
As with all green product design, the material choice would be critical. We researched ‘bio-plastics’ but none were available that could withstand a hot coffee. We eventually settled on a polypropylene that ensures customers can dishwash and microwave while still being fully recyclable. Each IdealCup sold effectively takes 10.5kg of cardboard cups out of the landfill each year! Ideal Grounds have made the commitment to recycle all IdealCups that are returned to them. (With a lifetime guarantee that might not happen for a while!)
Watch this space! Ideal Grounds aren’t finished yet – expect to see some more sustainable product in the near future! Visit for more info.